Egg cups and original egg cups offers you a wide range of egg cups! The hen's egg is a widely consumed food, in all its forms. This little kitchen utensil is a must-have for easy boiled eggs, but it's not the only one. The egg cup is also practical for enjoying soft-boiled or hard-boiled eggs. Different styles of eggcup are available to present your dishes. A designer eggcup is ideal for those with a modern or streamlined decor. If you prefer a colorful utensil or a different shape, opt for an original egg cup! Children are not to be outdone either: a multitude of fun egg cups are available to give them a good time at the table and empower them. Giving them a Disney or unicorn egg cup can help them eat better! In any case, don't forget to bring an egg topper to break the egg shell and cook it in a saucepan!