As its name suggests, the sponge mould is a cake mould specifically for making sponge cakes! Let's go back to the genesis of the génoise, the beaten-dough cookie that originated in Genoa. Invented between 1747 and 1749 by an Italian confectioner, génoise is now used in a multitude of pastries, including operas, black forests, strawberries, fruit mousses, Yule logs, rolled cakes... and many others. With all these recipes, owning a sponge mould is almost a matter of course! The sponge mould is a must-have for pastry chefs and especially for professional pastry chefs. As well as being perfectly suited to making sponge cake, the sponge cake mould also ensures a perfectly straight cookie, baked to perfection! What's more, like all cake moulds, its use is not strictly reserved for a single recipe. As the edges of a sponge mould are generally high, it can also be used for savoury preparations such as quiche.