Brioche mould

What could be better than a brioche mould to make delicious brioches and please the whole family at snack time? Accompanied by a hint of butter, a little jam or a light touch of chocolate, brioche is a pastry that everyone can agree on! But where does it come from? Far from being new, brioche is thought to have originated in Normandy in the 16th century, but brioche dough is much older still! It's made from flour, yeast, butter, milk and eggs, and gives rise to superb, delicious cakes to share. To make it, all you need is a bowl, a whisk and a brioche mould! Depending on the region and country, the recipe is slightly modified and the name completely changed. In France, you'll find brioche de Nanterre, brioche tressée de Metz, brioche parisienne, brioche vendéenne... Whereas in Italy, for example, you'll find panettone and pandoro!