The knife block, an essential accessory for every cook:
What enables the cook to prepare these recipes in the first place? Kitchen knives, of course! They enable you to cut all types of food: meat, fish, vegetables, garden herbs... You can shape your dishes according to your desires (for example, a precise cut on fish like sahimi, or a julienne, a brunoise of vegetables...). What could be more efficient than a block of kitchen knives? This system, which is different from a Bag, means you'll have your knives to hand more quickly. It also allows you to equip yourself with several really useful knives at once, rather than choosing knife by knife. The knife block is therefore an interesting alternative in terms of long-term budget.
The different knife blocks :
We have a wide selection of kitchen knife blocks. Most blocks contain the main kitchen knives, such as paring knives, slicing knives and the indispensable chef's knife! So you can perform all the cutting tasks your recipes call for.
Some also come with accessories such as kitchen scissors, or sharpening wheels to maintain your equipment. These practical blocks are ultra-complete!
The actual container of the knife block can vary! There are wooden blocks, fan-shaped blocks, and truly modern blocks with lacquered or metal finishes.
Last but not least, the style of the knives you choose can also vary completely! We offer you Wusthof knife blocks, for ultra-durable, razor-sharp blades, but also very colorful knives for a more playful, vitamin-packed use! All in all, depending on your budget, cutting style and decoration, you'll be able to easily find the kitchen block you need on KnifeLeader!