Thepressure cooker is an efficient and almost indispensable household appliance that works on the principle of pressure cooking. Time-saving and easy to use, thepressure cooker, also known as a pressure pan or steam kettle, has made its mark on the pressure cooker market! From the simplest to the most sophisticated, thepressure cooker makes itself indispensable whatever the model, since it enables rapid cooking under pressure. The pressure cooker uses pressure cooking to cook food, which cuts cooking time by a factor of three! The principle is very simple: simply heat a liquid inside the hermetically sealed pressure cooker vessel. When everything is heated up inside the pressure cooker, steam builds up and the pressure rises, speeding up the cooking process. There are now so many pressure cookers on the market that there are tons to choose from, and you need to decide which one will be your new companion in the kitchen. It's almost as hard to choose a chef's knife as a pressure cooker !