Fischer Bargoin knives

Located in Thiers, France, Fischer Bargoin is the benchmark for professional French kitchen knives. Fischer has also earned an immense reputation for the efficiency of its sharpening guns. If you're looking for a French professional knife, you've come to the right place! We have selected complete Bagfor your professional or school needs. Fischer Bargoin offers SANDVIK (Swedish steel) professional knives capable of preventing musculoskeletal disorders (MSD), as well as many other butcher knives, fish knives and pastry Utensils. Restaurant professionals looking for solid knives trust Fischer thanks to the brand's know-how acquired over generations.

You'll also find the perfect Fischer sharpening steel for your knives among the wide variety available on!

You'll also find all our steel kitchen knives on CouteauduChef! Use the menu on your left to discover Victorinox, Boker, Dick knives... a wide choice to suit all your needs!