Sharpening and honing

To maintain the sharpness of all your kitchen knives, folding knives or any other object with a blade, such as an axe for example, you need to maintain them by sharpening and/or honing them! To do this, there are a number ofsharpening tools at your disposal, which we'll explain here! But first of all, you need to know the difference between these two terms, even though their objective is the same: to restore your knives to their original sharpness!Sharpening is the daily operation performed on the blade when it begins to lose its effectiveness. Over time, the blade becomes less sharp, and food such as meat becomes more difficult to cut. Sharpening involves sliding the blade evenly along the entire length of a sharpening rifle before each cut, to maintain a good cutting edge.Sharpening is carried out when a knife is dull or has been subjected to a more or less severe impact. The tip has lost its sharpness and requires more precise and longer-lasting work, but always with the same movement of the sharpening gun. In this way, the damaged tip is reshaped and a new edge is created in continuity with the rest of the blade, leaving your knife as good as new again! For even more information, click here!