Raw, hard-boiled, fried, boiled, poached, soft-boiled, cocotte, scrambled or in omelette form... there are so many ways to eat eggs! Although hen's eggs are the most commonly consumed, we also find other bird eggs on our plates, such as ostrich eggs, quail eggs and goose eggs. After focusing on apple Utensils, KnifeLeader now turns its attention to eggs, with a dedicated page featuring Utensils for preparing eggs before cooking, for cooking and for cutting! Don't bother clarifying your eggs by hand, and use an egg separator instead: useful, practical and time-saving! Get your next egg poacher and egg slicer! Although rarely used in France, unlike in Germany and other English-speaking countries, the egg poacher remains a practical kitchen utensil. Easy to use, they pierce the air pocket in the domed part of the egg to prevent the shell from breaking during cooking. With all these Utensils, boiled and poached eggs will no longer hold any secrets for you.