Angled kitchen spatulas

Discover our wide selection of bent spatulas on this page! The angled spatula is a kitchen essential, whether you're a chef or a pastry chef. It's a kitchen spatula, but its functional part has a marked angle that allows you to perform many tasks with precision. For example, the angled spatula lets you pick up cooking food and move it to another container, such as a plate. Depending on its size, you can also use it for precision dressing, with small elements to be integrated into a dish before tasting. It can also be used for a multitude of pastry-related tasks, such as glazing preparations, smoothing appliances before baking or chilling, or even creating shapes and decorations on chocolate. We offer angled spatulas from a range of brands, such as Matfer or Fischer-Bargoin, and in a variety of sizes. It's easy to find the bent spatula that's just right for you! Take a look at all our suggestions here, and discover our other kitchen accessories using the menu on your left!