Kings' wreath and beans | To celebrate Epiphany

Everything you need to make your own galette des rois can be found at! See our selection of galette des rois beans and crowns. First, a little history! The Feast of Three Kings, also known asEpiphany, is a traditional Christian feast that takes place every year on January 6, and celebrates the coming of the Messiah to earth by three magi who gave him offerings of gold, frankincense and myrrh. This festival is just as important as Christmas or Easter. So who are the Three Wise Men? There are three of them, named Melchior, Gaspard and Balthazar, representing the only three continents known at the time: Asia, Africa and Europe. But they weren't the ones who brought the galette! In fact, it's an ancient custom dating back to the Middle Ages, a celebration of the winter solstice when masters and slaves were on an equal footing, and everyone ate at the same table, sharing a galette. So who will be the king of the day?